Cut Off Range Complex

Member Agreement - Couples Membership - Member #2


Members and Guests bringing a firearm into the facility must abide by the following safety rules:

▪ All firearms entering the Pro Shop must be UNLOADED with the action open/bolt locked back, except those that are worn in a holster. Holstered firearms may not be unholstered or handled for any reason except at the firing line on a hot range.

▪ Members and Guests must check in at the Pro Shop prior to being granted access to the firing range.

▪ Closed toed shoes are required to enter all CORC shooting ranges.


Be safe.  Have fun.  Each Member will be held responsible for the actions of their guests or children. All Members and their guests are required to abide by all range safety rules at all times while in the range. Lanes are subject to availability.


Billing cycles are on a monthly basis with the first month prorated and all subsequent months billed on the 1st. By providing CORC with credit card information, Members authorize regularly scheduled charges for the associated monthly membership dues. Billing authorization will remain in effect until it is cancelled in writing. Members are required to provide a written notice for the cancellation to take effect. Memberships are paid on a monthly basis, and as such, no refunds will be issued for initiation fees or partial months. A Member must be in good standing and current with membership dues at the time of the cancellation request.

Members will be notified of any billing conflict. Memberships are subject to being frozen or suspended until the conflict is resolved. Cut Off Range Complex, LLC reserves the right to suspend or cancel any membership at any time, without warning. Members should contact CORC to update account information when credit cards are renewed or replaced. Memberships are not transferable.

Background Check

I hereby authorize Cut Off Range Complex, LLC and its designated agents and representatives, at their sole discretion and option, to conduct a comprehensive review of my background causing a report to be generated for membership purposes. I understand that the scope of the report may include, but is not limited to the following areas: verification of social security number; current and previous residences; drug testing history, civil and criminal history records from any criminal justice agency in any or all federal, state, county jurisdictions; birth records; and any other public records.

Liability and Indemnity Waiver

By signing below I hereby attest that the answers to all of the following questions are “NO”. Any questions you may have should be addressed with CORC staff.

  1. Are you under indictment or information in any court for a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could imprison you for more than a year?  
  2. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including probation? 
  3. Are you a fugitive from justice? 
  4. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? 
  5. Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective by a legal or medical entity OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution? 
  6. Have you been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions?
  7. Are you subject to a court order restraining you from harassing, stalking, or threatening your child or an intimate partner or child of such partner? 
  8. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence? 
  1. If you are a United States citizen, have you ever renounced your citizenship?
  1. Are you an alien illegally in the United States? 

I swear and/or affirm that I am of at least 18 years of age, am of good character and moral standing and am legally entitled to possess and/or purchase a firearm. I have no criminal convictions, pending criminal charges, indictments or suffer from any form of mental illness that would prohibit me from legally and safely possessing and using a firearm, or would be detrimental or dangerous to me or others while utilizing the facilities of CORC.

CORC Complete Range Safety Rules

  • Eye and ear protection are to be worn at all times. Closed-toed shoes are required.
  • Valid photo identification is required.
  • All Federal, State, and Local laws must be obeyed and will be enforced. Convicted felons are not allowed at the range.
  • All forms of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are prohibited. No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs is permitted in the range.
  • Children: under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times; under the age of 15 are not allowed to shoot machine guns; under the age of 10 are not allowed in the range. Exceptions can be approved by the Range Officer.
  • Commands issued by range personnel must be obeyed immediately and without question.
  • When the command “CEASE FIRE” is given, stop shooting IMMEDIATELY and await further instruction from range personnel. A “CEASE FIRE” can be called by ANYONE at ANY TIME if they feel that safety has been compromised.
  • No shooters may go or reach beyond the firing line unless the line has been called COLD.
  • All firearms not on the firing line must be unloaded. All firearm manipulations including: firing, loading, casing, malfunction clearing, etc., must be done on the firing line while the line is HOT. Loaded handguns leaving the range must be holstered while on CORC property.
  • Firearms left unattended anywhere in the facility will be reported to law enforcement.
  • Two people are allowed to be in a lane, with only one firing at any time.
  • Please ask for range officer permission prior to any holster, quick draw, or rapid fire shooting.
  • Know how to safely operate your firearm. If assistance is needed, notify range personnel.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO TRACERS OR INCENDIARY ROUNDS ALLOWED! Any use of these rounds will result in immediate and permanent removal from the range.
  • Use of armor piercing ammunition, any ammunition with steel or ceramic material, or flame producing ammunition is prohibited. Range Safety Officers must be notified if you plan to shoot reloaded ammunition.
  • Range personnel reserve the right to inspect any firearm or ammunition.
  • Please do not offer assistance, help, advice, or “pointers” to other shooters unless asked for. Teaching or instructing for a profit/fee by a member, guest, or visitor is not permitted on CORC property without express written consent of CORC.
  • Each shooter will be held financially responsible for any damage caused to CORC property or equipment, whether accidental, willful, or otherwise.



I do hereby swear that I am solely responsible for the behavior and well-being of myself and any children listed on this form. I agree that I, and any children listed on this form, will never be careless and/or negligent with any bow, axe, or firearm. The term “bow” as used in this document, or on any signage on CORC property, applies to any item that discharges an arrow or bolt under power from a string, cable, or drawstring (including, but not limited to, recurve bows, compound bows, longbows, and crossbows). The term “axe” as used in this document, or on any signage on CORC property, applies to any item that is thrown at a target including but not limited to an axe, hatchet, tomahawk, knife, spike, or throwing star.  The term “firearm” as used in this document, or on any signage on CORC property, applies to any item that discharges a projectile from a barrel when a trigger is pulled (including air guns).

I, and my children, will abide by and obey all rules pertaining to use of the axe, archery, and shooting ranges listed on the previous pages, all signs posted within the ranges, and will abide by the commands of the safety officer(s) while utilizing the facility. I also swear and/or affirm that I and my survivors, dependents or heirs agree to hold harmless and indemnify any employee, assistant, contractor, proprietor, owner, co-owner, manager, associate or possessor of the land and/or facilities, or any other employee in any capacity of Cut Off Range Complex, LLC for any harm, injury, death, or property damage sustained or endured while utilizing the CORC facilities occurred as a result of, but not limited to, my and/or my children’s or guest’s negligent or unsafe actions, personal equipment, any act of nature, or any unforeseeable event, chain of events or incident, or actions of any agent of the facility. I attest that any axes, bows, arrows, firearms, ammunition, and other personal equipment provided by me or my guest(s) for use at the range are safe & reliable.

I agree and understand that if I, or my children listed on this form, violate any CORC rules, regulations, or guidelines that my privilege to use the shooting and/or archery range may be temporarily suspended or permanently revoked, and I also agree that if I have provided any false statement or information, that my privileges will be immediately revoked with the complete and total forfeiture of any dues or fees paid to Cut Off Range Complex, LLC.

I acknowledge that any activity within Cut Off Range Complex, LLC may be monitored and recorded by video, photo, or audio means and authorize CORC to use any photographs, video, or audio recording taken while on CORC property.

CORC reserves the right to eject any person for reasonable cause or make changes to range rules at any time. By signing this Liability and Indemnity Waiver, I am stating that I have read the entire document and that I agree to the requirements, rules, terms, and conditions regarding use of the Cut Off Range Complex located at 14968 LA-3235, Cut Off, La. 70345

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Document name: Member Agreement - Couples Membership - Member #2
lock iconUnique Document ID: aa2bad48e17fb9ffd79a0b8dbf5d3e78d206612f
Timestamp Audit
November 23, 2021 3:18 pm CSTMember Agreement - Couples Membership - Member #2 Uploaded by Kenny Bossetta - IP